Friday, August 31, 2012

These Pictures are all on Friday

 Our front yard...

 This is one of the streets on the way to school

Our school--at the back
 Assembly (G: I played gee-tar)
Spot the Corin!
They only have "four minutes to save the world": senior jump jam. Jump jam is a dancing thing. We do jump jam every week in school. (C): I Have a Feeling is my favorite song. (G) Boom Boom Pow is my favorite. (They use a clean version of it.)
 This is our school grounds. Do you see the orange nets? That's where they're growing more grass.

That's my gee-tar case. (G)
This is my friend Daisy and me. We climbed my front yard tree.
Daisy and I made a bug habitat while my brother watched.
This is me at Wave Rave. Wave Rave is at the swimming pool and it has a giant slide. And you see the yellow bracelet on me? That makes sure that I can go on the hydroslide.
At Wave Rave they have entertainment. (G): They have people using fire sticks and flame eaters. (C):They had a lolly scramble. Lolly is what they call candy in New Zealand. The lolly scramble is where people throw candy in the pool and all sorts of kids come screaming in a while pile so they can get at all the candy.
They had globe riders which is where you get into a giant ball which they fill up with air and then you go around inside the ball.


  1. This is Jack. That's pretty interesting. Doesn't the candy get wet in the pool? Do you ride your bike to school? We had a hurricane in Kansas this week.

  2. Hi Jack,
    Yes, the candy does get very wet and the wrapper starts coming off.

    I don't have a bike here, but we do have a scooter. And I do ride my scooter to school and back.

    How bad was the hurricane? How's school?

  3. This comment didn't make it onto the blog but was emailed:
    Sherry Turnbull has left a new comment on your post "These Pictures are all on Friday":

    Wave Rave looks awesome. Is it near where you live? I saw some of those big balls in Florida--did you go in one? Reminds me of a hamster!

    Answer from Griffin:
    Hi Mrs. Turnbull. It is close! No, I didn't go in one but they looked like they were fun. I will try and go in one another time but the line was packed! How's the library?
